Not much to see here…

Ok, so far, so little of interest.  There’s been no horrific bleeding, no MASSIVE WEIGHT GAIN (actually, I’ve lost a few pounds) and relatively few other horrible symptoms to speak of.  I have noticed that in the week prior to my period I do go through some mood swings, much the same as when I was on the combined pill.  That’s it though.  Nothing else to worry about!

Just a quick update

Just thought I’d update that I’ve been experiencing a little spotting through the last week or so.  Nothing major.  On a positive note, my skin is a lot clearer than it was a couple of weeks ago…hope this sticks around!!


I was beginning to get a little smug that I would be one of the rare (and lucky) ladies who do not have periods while using nexplanon…well I can say that I have had my first bleed and it was soooo light! It only lasted three days too, compared to four or five when I was using the pill (femodene ED). I used to suffer with very heavy, painful periods, where my mood swings would be unbearable for my family to cope with. So far I have had no peculiar moods or cravings.

A little catchup

So I have been feeling a bit rubbish this week. I’ve had what felt like flu and spent the whole of the weekend in bed! I’m fairly certain this has nothing to do with the implant, and so far there have been no weird side effects of the hormones! Hooray! The bruising on my arm has completely disappeared now too.

I’ll post again soon x

One week later…

It’s been exactly 7 days since I had the implant fitted.  So far, the only side effect I’ve had has been quite a bit of bruising around the insertion site.  As soon as it was fitted, I had slight swelling and bruising appeared within the first couple of hours.  I didn’t think to take any photos at the time, but I’ll see if I can find anything similar online to show you.  Again, this is a very individual reaction, as everyone’s body behaves differently to pressure.  I’ve just happened to have bruised like a peach!  It has happily gone down a fair bit and is now a rather nice shade of yellowy-green, rather than the blackish purple it was!  There is no pain around the insertion site, however I do have a slight scar where the incision was made.  This should fade over time.  It’s a bit creepy, but I can feel the implant when I press on it – reassuring in a way as at least I know it’s still there!  I had read online that people had horrible long, irregular periods almost straight away after having it fitted – I am pleased to say that I haven’t had a single sign of my period starting yet.  Neither have I had any peculiar mood swings (another nasty effect frequently referred to online).  For now, it’s all sweetness and light.

Over and out.

By the way, if you have any questions, ask me in the comments!

What is Nexplanon?

Nexplanon is a contraceptive implant.  It is a thin, flexible tube implanted just under the skin of the upper arm.  It slowly releases a hormones (progestogen only) into the body. The implant lasts for up to 3 years, offering 99.9% effective protection against pregnancy.  The contraceptive is fully reversible, as when you have it taken out, fertility returns immediately.

How is it inserted?

When I had my implant inserted, I had to have a special doctor at my surgery (with practice in inserting and removing) to fit it.  The first stage was to numb the upper arm – your non dominant arm is used – this was in fact the worst part of the procedure!  It’s just a quick injection of numbing agent, similar to the stuff used when you have teeth taken out.  Pretty easy so far!  The next stage was to have the implant inserted.  A nurse was in the room at the time, so I was able to talk to and look at her, rather than watch the doctor put the implant in.  I won’t lie, the applicator looks pretty scary, as it’s a large-ish plastic pen like thing.  As my arm was numb, I didn’t feel any pain when the doctor inserted the implant, just a slight pressure on my arm.  All that was left was to pop a plaster on the site, then wrap the area with a bandage to prevent too much bruising.  Before I went on my merry way, I was given a card to remind me to book an appointment for 3 years’ time to have the implant either removed or replaced.  I was also given the information sheet from the manufacturers, which had lots more information about side effects etc.  Then I went home! 🙂

Coming next, my experience so far…

Why set up this blog?

So, I had my implant fitted exactly 7 days ago (I’ll tell you a little more information about the Nexplanon implant in the next post).  I had read all sorts of horrifying stories and tales online from disgruntled users complaining about lots of nasty side effects.  I set up this blog in an effort to untangle the myths from the truths about this form of contraception.

This blog aims to cover the process of fitting the implant, how I feel week on week, and any other issues or experiences I have with it in.

I hope you find this useful when deciding whether or not to go down this route!